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Harry PotterRecently I asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us which movie characters they absolutely hate. From pure-evil villains to characters who people think should be classified as villains, here are their answers:
1. Cal Hockley from Titanic
2. Dolores Umbridge from the Harry Potter movies
3. Mr. Ewell from To Kill a Mockingbird
4. Judge Claude Frollo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame
5. Albert Johnson from The Color Purple
6. Scar from The Lion King
7. Percy Wetmore from The Green Mile
8. Warden Norton from The Shawshank Redemption
9. Frank Booth from Blue Velvet
10. President Alma Coin from The Hunger Games movies
11. Mary from Precious
12. Johnny from The Karate Kid
13. Charles McCarter from Diary of a Mad Black Woman
14. Professor Callahan from Legally Blonde
15. Jasper from The Holiday
16. The Prime Minister, Harry, and Mark from Love Actually...
17. Mayor Larry Vaughn from Jaws
Courtesy Everett Collection
As far as movies go, I don't think there's anyone who, as a reasonable person, can say that the mayor from Jaws is in any way likable. In order to keep those tourist dollars coming into Amity, he not only suppresses all information about the shark and shark attacks, but he actively encourages people to go into the ocean. Unapologetically awful thanks to great screenwriting and acting."
—42, Japan
18. Gordon Gecko from Wall Street
20thcentfox / Courtesy Everett Collection
"Pure narcissism."
—67, Arizona
19. Captain Vidal from Pan’s Labyrinth
Picturehouse / Courtesy Everett Collection
"He was such a psychopath. Violent and controlling. The scene with the father and son was so shocking that I still think about it."
20. Hans from Frozen
Walt Disney Co. / Courtesy Everett Collection
"I was watching it with my grandchildren the other day and he pissed me off so much that I had to skip the scenes with him in them."
—88, Texas
21. And finally, this take on Grandpa Joe from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Warner Bros / Courtesy Everett Collection
"GRANDPA JOE LET HIS FAMILY STARVE BUT THEN HOPPED UP AND DID A LITTLE JIG FOR FREAKING CHOCOLATE! AND HE MADE HIS FAMILY FUND HIS TOBACCO HABIT FOR DECADES! WAS THE FLOOR TOO COLD FOR YOU TO QUIT SMOKING MONEY, JOE? Also, from a scientific point of view, his muscles would’ve atrophied if he’d been bedridden for a long time. He’s been getting up for little midnight strolls. The man is a con artist and a scammer and I want him to choke on an everlasting gobstopper for starving his family and forcing his child to run in the snow with broken shoes at night just so he could smoke a pipe and do nothing all day. Freaking Joe."
—19, US
Do you have any other movie characters you think are incredibly unlikable? Let us know in the comments!
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Harry Potter